World's First COVID-19 Pill is Finally here - Death Rates Decreased by 50%

World's First COVID-19 Pill is Finally here - Death Rates Decreased by 50%

Few diseases ever frightened humankind than the Polio in the 20th century. Fortunately, due to the development of the polio vaccine, the bone of humankind has become almost non-existent

Polio reached epidemic proportions in the early 1900s especially in countries with a high standard of living. Because of widespread vaccination, polio was eliminated till the late 1900s. Yet, It is still recommended to take polio drops and vaccines. Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) is still given to most of the world while some countries only prefer oral medication for Polio.

In comparison to Polio, the situation of the covid pandemic is quite different. Though they are different, the method of medication seems much similar. 

The rapid development of the vaccine against the covid is an astronomical achievement in the medical endeavor. Vaccine rollout despite the fact that the entire world was in a complete shutdown, has been extraordinarily impressive.

Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Covidshield, JJ vaccines have been giving breathing room for gradual returns to daily life. The demands for vaccines are high but the supply is very low. Co-vax and such vaccines have been a full-throttle to increase vaccination rates. But still; some of the old world countries have lagged behind from syringe to the vial. 

There are people who exist, that refuse. In my view, they do not want to get vaccinated because their childhood fear of vaccines never ended. Also, the adult stage is no exception. These people are weirdly different.

Whatever it may be, there are many reasons that the vaccination rollout has not been as per expectations. A cheaper, oral alternative can be of great help to stop the severe effects of covid until full treatment/immunization is available. In fact, oral covid prevention is already underway on multiple fronts. 

One appreciable example is Merk and Ridgeback's Investigational Oral Anti-viral Molnupiravir. This oral medication underwent a phase 3 study recently. It is reported 50% of the patients who received the pill had reduced covid severity. Neither were they hospitalized more dead.

On the factual data, '7.3% of the patients who received the pill (Molnupiravir) were hospitalized through day 29. In comparison with 14.1% of placebo-treated patients who were either hospitalized or died, it's still much better.'

The MSD's investigative oral pill may be the possible answer and the request for emergency use of the medicine is already underway waiting for approval. The Molnupiravir reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by approximately 50%. It may be in 2 chances but it is still impressive how it was developed in record time.

Two years is short for any kind of medical development. Yet, nowadays, the rapid improvement shows how a certain risk forces human innovation. Merk has already planned to submit an application for 'Emergency Use Authorisaton' as mentioned:

"More tools and treatments are urgently needed to fight the Covid-19 pandemic which has become a leading cause of death. We are optimistic that molnupiravir can become an important medicine in that aspect. We can presume it as a part of a global effort to fight the pandemic. We will continue to work what we can to bring molnupiravir to patients as quickly as possible." - said Robert M. Davis, CEO

Molnupiravir is an orally administered form of patent ribonucleoside that inhibits replication of SARS-COV-2, the causative agent of Covid-19.

If this medication gets approved for emergency use, it may be a sigh of relief on already overworked medical institutions. And it might as well provide a boost to the covid medication. The oral choice could be cheaper to manufacture, produce, distribute and administer. It can be a temporary or even an alternate choice to the far countries to implement until advanced medication may arrive. 

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Given on current situation, it may have less spoilage value and be more palatable to some people. Based on my (opinion) short survey, some may be okay to take both and some may choose that vaccine is enough.

The oral pill has a very much greater possibility to reduce the impact of Covid-19. But, as of now, the vaccine remains the ultimate important choice to fight against covid as the oral alternatives are still in the stages of infancy. 

The vaccine administration must remain the top priority and one should not set back from neglecting it. Following safety precautions and healthy habits is necessary to eradicate covid.  Eventually, one day this disease will be 'Just a flu' through complete immunization in the coming decades.

I hope, one day, it may be administered just as for polio, measles, or just any other disease in early childhood to eradicate its severe effects.

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